Make a Personal Contribution to Support Local Journalism

Local Journalism: More important now than ever.

Help keep local news and journalism free in Savannah.

The value of independent, local journalism has never been more apparent. Unfortunately, it's more difficult than ever to provide the kind of community-focused reporting and stories that Connect Savannah readers appreciate and expect.

Connect Savannah has never had a paywall and is committed to providing our content free to the public, supported only by advertising and by any generous contribution you might provide to keep local journalism alive.

You can make a critical difference in keeping Connect Savannah strong into the future and supporting our mission by donating whatever you can.

How else can you support Connect Savannah?

• Pick up the paper every week; use this map to find information on a pick-up location near you.
• Become an advertiser.
• Support our advertisers; they’re local and, like you, they’re invested in the community.
• Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Thank you for your support! A note: Your contribution is not tax-deductible. Prefer to mail a check? Mail it to: Connect Savannah, 611 East Bay Street, Savannah, GA 31401. Questions? Send us an email at [email protected] or call us at 912-721-4378.
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