‘Sunday Supper’ is a local event that organizers call a hub of art, music, food and culture. While culturally, some may have experienced the idea of Sunday supper with their families, complete with stories, food, laughter and entertainment that fills the soul and creates a lifetime of memories, that is the feeling these ‘Sunday Supper’ events hope to give.
“We wanted to create a space for people to come and have a good time. We wanted to give off a family friendly environment where the community can come together. We just felt like Sunday Supper or a dinner of some sort is one of those things where a family or community could come together and feast,” said visual and tattoo artist Zay Hutchins.
Hosted on the last Sunday, every other month, the organizers bring their unique talents and skill set to the table to create this event.
Zay Hutchins, Phil Beach, DJ Carlito Baby, and Regina Green work together to bring this to life.
“We all have our own respective lanes individually that interlinks with each other. Carlito has his own following. He’s very prolific. We’re doing gigs, DJing around the city. Phil is very prolific. We’re hosting, doing a lot of music, being prolific in that lane, networking with a lot of artists on a musician standpoint. Then there’s me with my lane being on the visual side,” said Hutchins.
Hutchens met Beach, who also is a multifaceted artist, in 2016 at “Poetry on the River” an event that was being hosted by Beach at the time. At the time Hutchins was a tattoo artist nearly burnt out with just doing tattoos and wanted to get back into the art scene. Hutchins found the event on Facebook and went there to promote himself as an artist.
“I met him, gave him a couple of cards, and found out he was interested in getting a tattoo. He came and got a tattoo and during that we sparked the conversation of us forming the Indigo, and the rest is history,” said Hutchins.
Sunday Super features a variety of visual artists that display their work as a part of the artist showcase. Guests get to enjoy viewing the work and chatting with the artist. During this food vendors and other vendors are present for guests to indulge. The artist showcase lasts an hour and a half before a variety of musicians that take to the stage and perform during the showcase.
“We are working to build a community. We’re trying to create new spaces for us that people can come and showcase themselves and again network, meet other artists and take their talent to the next level however they may need to. That is the impact I’m hoping that we’re having,” said Beach.
Artists, vendors, and musicians have found a home at Sunday Supper to launch their work, sell work, and grow their audience and network for their brand but more importantly a family to feast with in the art world. Something that the organizers are proud of.
“Sunday Supper is the first time some of these artists are having their work showcased inside a gallery. That has been one of the motivations behind Sunday Supper. Seeing the growth and opportunities this has opened up for these visual artists is the biggest impact,” said Hutchins.
“Knowing that there aren’t a lot of places that artists can go and perform in Savannah I am glad we’re doing this. To give artists, visual artists, musical artists, that space that may keep them going is amazing,” said Hutchins.
“Coming to Sunday Supper inspires artists that they may push out that next painting, that just may take them to the next level, that next song, that might take them to the next level and this space grows their network,” said Beach.
Mix the formula of Beach, who brings the music and poetry, Hutchins, a visual artist, Carlito a DJ and musician and Green a artist and longtime supporter who gave advice on how to grow the event and all of the business experience they bring to the table it is easy to see how the event has been able to adapt and survive in a landscape where some groups come and go.
“It is crazy how things have aligned for us to be the individuals we are to then come to this path together. I feel like what we are creating here in Savannah will continue to grow and our reach and influence is only going to spread. The events are only going to get bigger,” said Beach.
The next ‘Sunday Supper’ will be August 27 from 3 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Tickets are on Eventbrite.com Instagram @sundaysuppersav for more information.