A man who was banned from his ex–girlfriend’s property was arrested after he showed up there again. The woman stated that she had been outside talking with a friend when she saw him pull up behind her vehicle, sit there for a minute and then leave.
A witness corroborated her story. She had to have her ex–boyfriend banned from the property last month and recently had a restraining order taken out against him. After the court date, he called her phone 50 times from a private number. An officer spotted a vehicle fitting the description given by the woman and initiated a traffic stop. The ex–boyfriend said he thought the ban form had been lifted. The officer then discovered that his license had been suspended for failure to pay child support. He was arrested for criminal trespass and driving with a suspended license.
• A woman returned home around midnight to discover that her back door had been kicked in and items had been taken. The perpetrator(s) entered the subdivision where the women lives through a hole in the perimeter fence. They forced open the door and took a television, jewelry and other items. Forensics was requested and the homeowner was given a CRN card.
• Early one morning a homeowner called police to report that someone had tried to set his house on fire the previous night. A red container of gasoline had been set on fire and tossed over his back fence. The resulting fire had burned part of the back porch and a chair before being extinguished with the garden hose. It’s unknown if the suspect extinguished the fire. The melted gas container was placed on top of a nearby garbage can. The man reported to police that he had gone to sleep around 11 the previous night and the fire had occurred sometime prior to his waking up at 6:30 the next morning. There had been a service call in neighborhood the night before, an anonymous caller reported a noise complaint about a loud party. No witnesses were discovered during a canvas of the neighborhood. Officers were going to follow up with a nearby gas station that was open to see whether any surveillance cameras had footage of a person or persons filling up a similar container to the one found at the residence. The neighboring residence also called police, not in regard to the arson case, but to report that a woman’s purse had been stolen during the night. She had left the purse inside the residence, but a suspect had pried open the back door and taken the purse, which contained several hundred dollars in cash along with credit cards and medication. Initially, the purse hadn’t been noticed as missing because of the commotion surrounding the fire.
• A woman left her home around 7:45 in the morning and returned several hours later to find that her home had been ransacked. The doors were all locked, but police found that a bedroom window was open slightly and the locking mechanism had been forced. The woman was adamant that all the doors and windows were locked when she left. Among the items taken by thieves were a computer, video game systems and the frozen food from her freezer. Officers followed footprints away from the home, but lost the trail when they reached the street behind the house. Officers canvassed the neighborhood, but saw no signs of the thieves. The woman told police about one person who she suspected might have been involved, but couldn’t provide any specific evidence.