Hosting their first "Putt for PACK (People of Action Caring for Kids), a Family Mini-Golf Adventure" at Bacon Park Golf Course on Sunday, May 7, I cruised up to find PACK. Executive Director Malena Stone giving a brief layout of the course and today’s activities.
As I watch Malena organize the check-in tables, I recall seeing her in action at her 10,500 square foot warehouse off Waters Ave. Stunned to see how spotless and utterly efficient the rows of assembly tables are, my mouth dropped when we headed back into the warehouse to the foster care boutique.
Every three months, 90 children come through to shop for new clothing, toiletries, school supplies and toys. They make their own selections. Knowing that many of these children have never shopped or bought anything new makes it even more amazing.
Here at O.C. Welch’s southside golf course, the first person I see is Glitterbox Studios’ Alyson Harris. The Daytona Beach native has graced the face painting scene in Savannah for the past 15 years, and has to be at every kid-friendly event I have ever attended. Quick and nimble, the talented artist poses with Alaina Olivares before I get called over for a group pic with Amanda Reed, Melinda Smith and Susan Allen.
Speaking of dedication, I can’t recall a time I haven’t seen Susan at PACK! The retired teacher has been volunteering at PACK for the past five years and always seems to have endless energy like today when she volunteers to be my chauffeur for the day.
Ok, if you know me, you know that I I steer clear of habits like drinking and smoking, but I may have a slight obsession with donuts, especially these donuts cooked on site from Dad’s Donuts’ Will Hampston. After grabbing a hot, fluffy pastry with strawberry icing from his tiny assistant Carlee Hurst, I meet New Jersey couple Gillain Cardinale and Teofilo Mariana-Jaquez.
Holding the cutest chocolate Lab pup ever, I have a mini posing session with the new puppy parents before hitting the golf course where mini stations of putt putt, piggy races, pie in the face and balloon darts are at different holes.
Rolling up to our first stop, we find Jet Blue pilot Jared Graham with his wife, pediatric dentist Dr. Cara DeLeon Graham and their four sons. (FOUR? Boys?!) Sixteen months ago apart at five, four, three and one year old, her boys are zooming around the putt putt course while she talks with me about her admiration of Malena. “I love how family focused, well organized and enthusiastic Malena is and I will have my oldest son Selly attending Tuesday volunteer day,” shares one of today’s event sponsors.
“Malena wanted her kids to have volunteer opportunities and now my kids will get a chance to be able to help others in their community. Kids helping kids is kinda powerful. To share her energy and experience is inspiring and my support is going to her and her mission!” adds the Augusta native.
Loving her infectious smile and big energy, we leave Cara and drive down to Chick-Fil-A’s table to meet Abercorn St. location owners Tim and Kim Connelly. With 25 years of getting my money for a gallon of their fresh squeezed lemonade, I ask the couple what they would do if they didn’t do what they do.
“I would be a full time PACK volunteer,” is Tim’s response and “a flight attendant or voiceover actor for animated movies” is Kim’s answer. After grabbing a free chicken sandwich card, I realized that I didn’t spin the wheel to win a prize as we drove off!
Rolling up to our next stop I find a familiar face; Kimberly Lively waving me over to the Scary Bean’s station. Giving me a hug, Kimberly tells me that she is now at Old Navy and that she has always been a PACK volunteer. “You know that GAP, Banana Republic, Old Navy and Athleta all volunteer with PACK - there is nothing like it!,” shares Kylie before posing with her daughter Adley and Rylie Reed.
At the next stop we find Aaron Cradduck at the uber cool Strike Zone bowling table. Representing Moffatt & Nichol, Aaron tells me that his wife Cynthia is at home with the kids, that he loves to design diverse build projects and that they are one of the sponsors for today’s family fun event.
Finally, I have found the most fabulous in the medical field! Say hey to Melanie Brainard, the newest addition to the Coastal Care Partners lineup and the lady that I will follow to her home if she ever retires! For the past decade this woman has been my and hundreds of others preferred nurse practitioners and I have literally changed insurance to make sure she is who I see. Knowing that she now has time to be out with her family on perfect sunny Sunday’s makes my heart happy!
Weaving over to yet another fun zone, Susan says, “There is O.C.!” Yes, O.C. Welch is cruising his golf course and chilling with his two year old pup named Woodrow. Pulling up next to him, we talk about all things golf. “When I was a little boy I remember a guy named Mr. McManas, he was 83 years old and playing alone on this golf course and that is still in my vision. It stays in my brain that he was never too old to play, he could play until he died, and he did play until he died.”
Knowing that OC worked on this course as a teenager, now owns it, and is helping Malena change the lives of thousands of kids makes today even more special.
As Susan drops me back off at the clubhouse, I look for Malena. Always smiling, my petite, powerful and benevolent friend runs this volunteer-led non-profit dedicated to feeding children struggling with weekend hunger and is one of the most fabulous females to ever run one.
Delivering 17,000 bags of food each month to children in 40 schools and community centers, PACK hosted over 18,000 volunteers in 2022 and packed more than 185,000 bags. With the money raised from the 25 teams playing today, Malena and her merry tribe of volunteers along with her husband, Dudley will continue to feed our less fortunate all while teaching her three sons the power of volunteering and giving.