John Wyatt, a self taught artist from Savannah experienced a life changing moment upon a terrible car crash involving a fire truck in 2017 during hurricane Irma and suffered untreated head injuries at the time. Along with the unfortunate event, he became homeless for a period of 19 months. During such time he attempted a number of jobs including a pet delivery service operating out of overdue rental cars causing more confusion amongst his relationship with such companies. Once he was able to obtain a proper residence, the blank walls were just too stark. The therapeutic drawings he was working on turned into paintings. The paintings are titled according to those that were supportive and inspirational during his recovery. Goodwill and Starlandia were a blessing for John, giving him the extra income needed to complete his vision.
While responding to an ad about a piece of furniture at his home, a woman noticed his paintings and immediately fell in love with his work and encouraged him to offer them to the public. So now with a little hope and confidence anybody can have faith in themselves to do anything.