Member since Nov 11, 2019


  • Posted by:
    peter vithus on 11/11/2019 at 4:09 AM
    ha ha, there you go, Mr Cecil Adams - look at all the replies here, the vast majority calling you out for the Zionist troll you are ! Yes, people are finally waking up ! Your. claim that all the quotes are false and you cannot verify them is pathetic. One just have to read the historian John Reeves account of the Rothschilds. So better luck next time you attempt to deceive people and to divert their attention away from the fact that: a Zionist worldwide cartel in fact DO exists who controls most of the worlds central banks, most Mainstream Media Corps and in US even their political leaders through blackmail operations e.g. Epstein's pedophile Island or through smearing campaigns with the help of ADL etc.
    And No people are NOT antisemites for calling out these powerful Zionist Jews or for criticizing the racist, genocidal state of Israel ! Support the BDS movement !