Member since Apr 5, 2009


  • Posted by:
    erik Beard on 05/07/2009 at 6:48 AM
    What is this truly saying? Do I detect an undertone of racism? I truly hope not. Because saying things like "They say you can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs. The only way to fix this is to throw out the whole carton." Seem to be suggesting a significant group. Let's be honest here, the majority of violent crime that is committed here in Savannah is done by a certain ethnic group. So I will give you that. Although it may have something to do with poverty, lack of education or possitive things to do. Whatever the case may be are these people still not human. Are these people still not american's. Moreso, the mention of these crimes was related to those that migrated to Savannah from abroad. Yet, if you do the research you will see that the majority of these violent crimes are dowe by those that were born and raised in Savannah. Most of them are our youth, so what has Savannah taught them. Not to mention, that Savannah has been a place where crime has lived for over 100 years. But I guess its not truly about the crime but about who is committing the crimes. Or is it about who is the victim. See Savannah, like most of American cities has a history. So exactly what are you saying? I could truly go on forever, but I won't. I will just exit by saying. Savannah, has grown alot since the early 1900's, so has all of America. The great thing about Savannah is the positive people that it attracts. People, Like myself, came here for the love and the beauty of such a great place. Most, were brought here by the armed forces or thier careers. So, I write to let all know, Savannah is a great place with alot of great people. E. S. Beard