Member since Jun 11, 2010


  • Posted by:
    Rebecca Flaherty on 12/23/2010 at 10:26 AM
    I agree with everything you say, Jim, except the part about the religious right. Aren't the religious right the people who are also usually Republicans? And aren't Republicans usually the people who vote against spending tax dollars on education and health care? It isn't fair to imply that people closer to the left side don't have strong morals. Look at what they stand for: Protecting the Earth, which God charged us to do in the book of Genesis, helping people who are sick, hungry, and in need, and creating peace (both of which Jesus taught us to do). In my experience, the religious right are also the people who use their votes to say, "We don't want OUR hard-earned money going to pay for bums who just want a free ride". All of the ideas you're supporting here (closing the wealth gap, lowering crime, improving education and health care) are the same ideas that Republicans, a group that's unfortunately synonymous with "religious right" would call Socialist. I've never understood this huge discrepancy. What am I missing?
  • Posted by:
    Rebecca Flaherty on 06/17/2010 at 8:55 AM
    Deuceman, if you read the article that came out when the attack occurred, you'd know that there were many eye-witnesses, and that the military "boys" claimed that the gay man had winked at them, and were "running away" from him. Yup, that sounds just like what a military dude would do. Our gay friend suffered seizures after a powerful hit to the BACK of the head, and hospital tests showed that there was bruising on his brain. Of course, they're innocent until proven guilty, but they aren't to be tried as regular citizens. Who knows what kind of justice will be served?
  • Posted by:
    Rebecca Flaherty on 06/11/2010 at 3:10 PM
    Re: “Opera in Savannah
    Bill, thanks for letting Savannah know what's on my heart. Hopefully opera will soon be ringing through the squares!