Member since Jul 17, 2015



  • Posted by:
    Laurel Fish on 05/14/2020 at 6:09 PM
    As an employee and long time customer of Brighter Day before that, I have to say that having to deal with this type of treatment from customers is insulting and disrespectful. We've gone from being labeled unskilled workers to "Coveted Essential Heroes" to being a thorn in someone's side. This year has already been a host of changes for employees with the change in ownership to a Pandemic!

    Personally, coming from a tribal nation across the country, experiencing this pandemic brings up the trauma of Ancestors sacrificing their lives to the onslaught of disease ridden colonizers. It has been very triggering watching Indigenous communities lose their loved ones, being overrun by entitled American tourists and threatened when practicing our sovereignty in trying to keep people out of our reservations. All while fighting the every day battles "normal" for tribal nations that so many entitled Americans have no clue or care about! Add to this that I am a struggling single mother living below poverty level with a damaged lung that puts me at risk should I contract Covid.

    It has been extremely stressful working shorter shifts but having the same responsibilities of getting the grocery orders submitted and put away and still expected to serve with a smile on my face. Only made possible by responsible employers who worked quickly to get a plan into place so that we had jobs, and most of all, were SAFE. As safe as we could be in a situation where we didn't/don't have all the information. All so people could have the comfort of clean food and supplements to keep them healthy while so many, too many others can't even afford the option, my own nations included.

    I don't require or demand people do anything and I have seen customers in our very small store without masks and they aren't harassed or threatened, kicked out. I give people the room to decide for themselves what kind of impact they want to make. As for me, I wear a mask because I want to live to work to provide the kind of food to people that is better for our bodies and most of all, better for Mother Earth. And I want to keep other people safe. I refuse to make this yet another divisive issue. Goodness knows we have enough.
  • Posted by:
    Laurel Fish on 12/28/2017 at 9:45 AM
    CORRECTION: Our show on WRUU is Indigenous Voices not Savannah Rising and airs 4pm every Thursday. Thank you so much for the mention and a huge thank you to WRUU, the UU Church and the community for providing a place for Savannah's diverse voice to be heard. Much love and many blessings to you all and I hope you enjoy our show in the new year. <3…