Tort reform not the answer


Joe Steffen’s recent Free Speech segment on the Medical Malpractice Insurance crisis hit the nail on the head. Tort reform is not going to solve the issues facing physicians. The doctors, hospitals, plaintiff and defense attorneys need to rally together and lobby against the real culprits (the insurance industry) in this catastrophe we find ourselves.

My recent inquiries to Georgia Insurance Commissioner John Oxendine’s office were met with a resounding “There is no medical malpractice insurance crisis in this state.” Those that work in the commissioner’s office are quite out of touch with reality.

There are very few underwriters of medical malpractice insurance in the state of Georgia, and those that remain are here to gouge us and let more blood than the scourging of Jesus in Mel Gibson’s The Passion.

Physicians and hospitals must face the fact that the practice of medicine is troubled by mistakes (and to my brethren out there, we are not infallible) and bad outcomes. Instead of taking the defensive or turning a blind eye, they should come forward to broker “reasonable” monetary compensation.

Plaintiff’s attorneys should be there to protect the victim and assure adequate compensation. No need for trials, no need for the lengthy, costly and burdensome litigation process. It is unfortunate that there is such an adversarial atmosphere between physician and attorney, all due to those policy makers and politicians with hidden agendas.

J.P. Saleeby, MD

‘Much gratitude’ for 10 years


Happy 10th Anniversary to the crew at Connect Savannah as the mainstay of alternative journalism in Savannah. The image of my beautiful hometown as a city stuck in a time warp is not a very comfortable or flattering one to consider, but I suspect that it would have remained a dominating image of Savannah without the diversity of perspectives, voices, and concerns presented so ably through your pages over the past decade.

Much gratitude for leading the way and providing one of the most invaluable services anyone could have rendered our community.


‘Keep up the good work’


Congratulations on the tenth anniversary of Connect Savannah.

As a regular reader since the Good Times era, I commend you for consistently doing a fine job offering an alternative voice to Savannahians.

Provocative feature stories, combined with an outstanding entertainment/leisure section have certainly played a role in making Savannah an interesting place to live. As one who enjoys both leisure and entertainment, I can tell you that I truly look forward to each week's new edition. I'd especially like to recognize Joan Lee, who has been there from the beginning.

Keep up the good work as you continue to help connect Savannah.

Joe Nelson

Just one ‘Idiot’s’ opinion


It was more than a pleasant surprise for me to open Connect Savannah to find an excerpt from one of my articles picked out as a part of your ten-year retrospective. Hopefully, the whole edition will be archived online at some point. It's a shame you lost/took down the old archives as there were some excellent articles (not mine) there that never made it into the tenth anniversary edition.

‘The Village Idiot’

Editor’s Note:Yes, it’s a shame that due to various corporate turnovers our archives are incomplete. Let’s hope for the best in the future.

Clarifying harbor deepening


In your tenth-anniversary issue the author of the harbor deepening piece comments on page 21 that only "Two other serious environmental issues came to a head after 1994." The two issues referenced are the endangered shortnose sturgeon and striped bass populations.

In fairness to the environmental issues, reference also should have been made to the real possibility of saltwater penetration from above. Deepening of the harbor could remove sufficient protective strata to accelerate saltwater movement downward into the freshwater aquifer, irreversibly contaminating the aquifer, from which the Savannah region withdraws about 75 million gallons per day for both human and industrial consumption.

Dr. Christopher Schuberth

Armstrong Atlantic State University

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