Member since Jan 13, 2010


  • Posted by:
    Jeff Montgomery on 01/13/2010 at 10:36 AM
    Society should not be debating the "efficiency" of something that is morally wrong in the first place. Living in a cave would save gasoline too. People might have better diets if we locked them up and fed them approved meals. People would commit fewer crimes if they were not allowed to leave their home. What a "great" clean, healthy, crime-free world that would be, except we would all be right-less slaves under a dictatorship. Let's be clear here. Public transportation is another name for unwanted transportation. That is why it must be forced on the population by law, developed using eminent domain, and paid for by stolen money (i.e. taxes). Frankly, governments have no moral right to decide what transportation course I should pursue and whether I should adopt efficient or wasteful practices. Instead, we should be asking if forcing grand plans on people is the right way to conduct a society, and I maintain it is not. Otherwise, we will end up as the above-mentioned right-less slaves. Jeff Montgomery