Member since Sep 23, 2009


  • Posted by:
    Richard Fusco on 09/23/2009 at 1:11 PM
    I was in Woodstock back then. Often people would come into town and ask, "Where's Bob Dylan's house" we, of course, respected Bob's privacy but many still found it. Finally he left Woodstock becasue of the people who would just walk up to his house. WOODSTOCK LIVES ONLINE!!!! Join us. We're a small group of folks based at Utopia Studios in Woodstock who are keeping the spirit of Woodstock alive. Listen to RADIO WOODSTOCK 69 which features only music from the original Woodstock era (1967-1971) and RADIO WOODSTOCK with music from the original Woodstock era to today’s artists who reflect the spirit of Woodstock. Watch Woodstock TV. Go to for details and to join our Woodstock Universe online community. Peace, love, music, RFWoodstock [email protected]