Connect Savannah

'5 Year Journey' now up at Sentient Bean

Brittany Curry May 19, 2020 4:00 AM

THE 5 Year Journey Map is a graphic that was created to be displayed in the 5-year Anniversary InkyBrittany Showcase, which is now up at the Sentient Bean until July 9. The piece is a compilation of each year’s handful of high points going back to 2015 when InkyBrittany was launched on May 22.

The starting place on the map shows organizations like Georgia Microboards and Emergent Savannah who were early supporters and saw the value of having their audiences and participants exposed to the power of visual communication as a tool of transparency, accessibility, and accountability.

At the beginning of 2016, I was still Graphic Recording meetings as a part-time and weekend job, living in Milledgeville and commuting to Savannah, Macon, Athens, and Atlanta frequently for gigs.

By the middle part of the year, after Graphic Facilitating the Visit Savannah Annual Staff Retreat and helping Healthy Savannah procure a $60,000 grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, there was no questions that it was time to move back to Savannah (my hometown) and experience what it would be like to wake up every day and focus on nothing but getting better at my craft and growing my business.

2017 was the year I was invited to Flint, Michigan for back-to-back jobs with Michigan State University’s School of Public Health, recording meetings with Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha (whose research led to the exposure of the Flint Water Crisis) as well as the citizens of Genesee County talking about how their communities and spirits had been impacted. That was also the year I wound up on the Georgia Trend Magazine 40 Under 40 List – which was cool.

In 2018, more was added to the list of partnerships and collaborations with local businesses and organizations (like Ad Specialty Services as they celebrated their 30th anniversary and the Savannah Jaycees as they commemorated their 75th), as well as having my graphics integrated into a statewide wellness and obesity prevention campaign sponsored by the State of New York’s Department of Public Health.

2019 saw some larger corporate work with the Keurig Dr Pepper merger, San-Francisco-based cloud software giant Salesforce, and the National Farm Machinery show (the Olympics of the agricultural industry) in Louisville, KY, drawing hundreds of thousands of visitors.

In 2020, I illustrated my first book, Captain Corona & the 19 COVID Warriors, became a regular contributor to Connect Savannah, and embraced the skyrocketing demand to graphically capture conversations taking place on Zoom, Webex, and Facebook Live with participants from the US, Australia, the Netherlands, Canada, Ireland, and India.

Please grab your mask and head to the Sentient Bean to check out the show social distance-style and let me know what you think!