The Best of Savannah

Best Late Night Food

FULL Lunch and Late Night

It’s 3 a.m. Do you know where your eats are?

FULL Lunch and Late Night has got you covered with a variety of awesome Cajun-influenced food, from fried chicken tenders to mac and cheese balls to vegan burgers.

It’s situated in the old 520 Wings spot, right next to Sweet Melissa’s, making it the perfect drop-off for buzzed partygoers—but owner Todd Carvell promises it’s not just about drunk food.

“Everyone said to save money and for late night, just serve crap. They’re drunk, they won’t notice,” Carvell says, “but we wanted to make sure the same fresh food we eat in the daytime is there at nighttime when you’re drunk. And believe me, some of those drunks have remembered how good the food was!”

Carvell and his brother moved to Savannah from Lafayette, LA, and partnered with Mark Luft to open FULL.

“Pretty much all my life, our mom wanted to open a restaurant,” Carvell remembers. “She was all about feeding people. We lost her a couple years ago, Mark lost his dad a while back. If there’s one thing we have all learned, it’s act quickly. My mom always said it’s not right, it’s not right. We took every penny we had and said, ‘Let’s try.’”

It’s certainly been worth the risk. Carvell acknowledges the struggles the team has faced in opening the restaurant, from everyone moving into one house together to save money to not getting paid right away, but FULL is steadily rising in popularity thanks to word of mouth.

“If you eat our food, you’ll love our food,” Carvell promises. “We haven’t had the money to spend on ads, but word of mouth has been our selling point.

“We’ve been blessed.” – Rachael Flora

Runner-up: Sweet Melissa’s

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