THE NAKED DOG: Best Hot Dog and Best Food Truck




Nine years ago, The Naked Dog opened up as a humble hot dog stand on River St. serving up gourmet all-beef franks to hungry customers ambulating the busy street. The owners have since closed the stand and converted their business into a thriving food truck operation, delivering the famous dogs throughout the Coastal Empire.

They made the pivot during the pandemic, which turned out to be the right move because their weenies on wheels were a major hit. In the last three years, The Naked Dog has enjoyed much success, which has enabled them to add a second truck to their business.

click to enlarge THE NAKED DOG: Best Hot Dog and Best Food Truck
The Naked Dog

Oddly enough, hot dogs weren’t a part of the original plan for owner Patsy Hood and her husband Jim.

“We actually came to Savannah to do an Italian Ice franchise. . . Those things are up and down as far as your business goes, and so we wanted to do something different that we felt could sustain itself and that’s been the hot dog business,” said Hood.

She got the idea to serve hot dogs because Jim was such a big fan of the staple sausage. But The Naked Dog doesn’t serve just any old dog. Patrons enjoy the highest-quality Vienna beef franks coming straight out of Chicago nestled in a warm, fluffy poppyseed bun.

“We make sure that we buy top line ingredients. We don’t buy any cheap ingredients at all, and I think that’s what makes it good. We make our own chili. We make our own slaw. Everything from scratch,” she explained.

This commitment to excellence has earned The Naked Dog favor with the Savannah community, who voted the business Best Hot Dog and Best Food Truck this year, two titles that Hood is honored to have received.

click to enlarge THE NAKED DOG: Best Hot Dog and Best Food Truck
The Naked Dog

“We were so shocked and excited to say the least. And I attribute that to not just myself and Jim. It’s our whole team putting the work in. We try to treat each person as the most important customer that we have, and we’ve always operated like that,” said Hood.

Some of their most popular items include their Chicago Dog, Chili Cheese Dog and Slaw Dog. They also have specialty dogs like their Reuben Dog and the lauded Trailer Park Dog, which is topped with golden fries and a special sauce. They also vend a very good veggie dog for their plant-based patrons. But hot dogs aren’t the only thing available on the menu.

“Believe it or not, we also have very good hamburgers,” Hood shared.

The Naked Dog posts their schedule online via their Facebook page and Savannah Food Truck Force.