Wearing white after Labor Day?


Are you wearing WHITE After Labor Day?

OK, let’s address the elephant in the room: now that summer has come and gone MANY of my friends, colleagues, associates, and clients ask “Can I wear white after Labor Day?”

I think the only people who don’t care about white after Labor Day are the brides, but let’s be honest, brides are becoming more and more non traditional. 

So, I’m here to talk about this rumor, how it pertains the to fashion industry, and what you should do with this information.

Ready? Let’s get into it!

The original “rule” came about in the late 1800s, so when you think about that time, you think about the fashion of that time—dreadful.

Most of the time people wore layer upon layer of wool clothing year-round, and in 1894 Labor Day was made into a federal holiday. 

So with that, people were really wearing white to “stay cool,” especially in the summer months. Labor Day began to serve as a transitional period for people to get out of “resort wear” and get into “fall attire,” especially those who were financially able.

But the working middle class was not a part of this, and this trend was of course something the fashion industry caught onto as it was very common in northern areas of the country. 

In retrospect, this REALLY speaks to how the fashion industry can come across as “uppity” or “of high regard” because they latched on to the trends that were seen with the elites or more wealthy individuals of society.

Any-who, the the trend or rumor caught on. Even my church wears white on communion Sunday from Easter to September, but then transitions to black on communion Sunday from October on out! 

Like, when did the church catch on to this? Especially the Baptist community?

I’m a little resilient, so I don’t own a pair of white stockings. My mom is also a FIRM believer in nothing white in your closet besides underwear and t-shirts. I personally feel like white shoes are “country” in some instances, but can you wear white after Labor Day?

First of all, the South is hot year round. Especially in permanent resort areas, the uniform is white. So, why not? White is a bit more friendly in the spring and summer months, but there IS such a thing as white in the fall. We also hear the term “winter white” when it comes to decor and such. 

My question is, who are you afraid of when it comes to wearing white after Labor Day?

I think wearing all-white is a bit extreme—outside of special circumstances, like a gathering or event themed around the color. 

As far as elevation, I keep my whites for the best parts of my attire. I’m usually all about business and efficiency—wearing white means keep it clean. 

So in other words, wear white if you want, no matter what time of the year. It’s 2021, and we are getting through a whole pandemic. SO wear white, but keep it clean. 

ALSO remember, white photographs bigger, so, depending on your body type, watch where you wear white! Cute right?

For more on this topic be sure to check out my YouTube channel: Designer Danietté

Got an event where you need to be elite? Book me!

Thanks again, loves! Talk next week!

Yours in Fashion, 


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